dezembro 18, 2007

Dragon Ball - O Filme

Esse fracote é o Goku?

A Fox anunciou a produção de Dragon Ball - o filme, com estréia em 15 de agosto de 2008. Das duas uma: ou vai ser um sucesso enorme ou vai ser uma daquelas adaptações toscas, que são um chute nas bolas do dragão de qualquer fã!

Atores no elenco:
Justin Chatwin - Goku
James Marsters - Piccolo
Jamie Chung - Chi Chi
Eriko Tamura - Mai
Joon Park - Yamcha
Emmy Rossum - Bulma

Produtor: Stephen Chow (dirigiu Shaolin Soccer e Kung-Fusão)

Ps: Quem é Mai mesmo? Não me lembro.

Resumão do que vai ser o filme:

Act 1 : The Beginning
- Goku is an 17 yr old teen who is trained in martial arts by his grandfather, Gohan
- Goku attends a local school along with a child hood friend and love interest, Chi Chi
- Goku is unpopular at school and is periodically harassed
- Goku is involved in a fight at school, people are probably freaked out
- Gohan prepares a dinner for Goku's 18th birthday
- Gohan is mortally wounded by one of Piccolo's henchman, who steals the Dragon Ball
- Goku presumably defeats Piccolo's henchman, retrieving the stolen Dragon Ball
- Goku is told by Gohan to seek Roshi and the remaining Dragon Balls
- Gohan dies, Goku departs on his journey, alone

Act 2 : The Adventure
- Goku encounters a woman named Bulma, who tracked him with a Dragon Ball detecting radar
- More is presumably told of the Dragon Ball legend
- Goku and Bulma locate Roshi
- While on their journey, Roshi begins Goku's rigorous training
- The travelers fall victim to the pitfalls of a desert wasteland, Yamcha taunts them
- Roshi tells the tale of Piccolo
- Yamcha aides the travelers out of the desert
- nearing the end of their journey, the team encounters Piccolo
- Piccolo ask Goku to join his effort, revealing his Saiyan origin
- Goku refuses Piccolo offer, but is easily defeated by him
- Piccolo obtains the rest of the Dragon Balls
- Piccolos plan must call for other prerequisites
- to which the team prepare their counter effort

Act 3 : Tournament of Champions
- The group reunites at Tournament to foil Piccolos ambitions
- Chi Chi encounters Goku and his crew at the Tournament
- Chi Chi test Goku's strength in a exhibition match, after which they get intimate
- Events of the tournament take place, leading to the fight between Roshi and Piccolo
- Roshi tries to ensnare Piccolo within a curse
- Mai intervenes and saves Piccolo
- The negative effects of the curse kill Roshi
- Goku and Piccolo face off in the final round
- Goku defeats Piccolo, perhaps allowing him to live despite what he has done
- the end

Goku tem que derrotar Piccolo para se vingar da morte de seu avô.

Como o filme é baseado na primeira fase do anime, nada de Super Sayajins... :(

Bom, acho que não dava para esperar muito de um resumo de Dragon Ball em 2 horas mesmo. Vamos esperar para ver quanto dinheiro eles vão gastar com os efeitos especiais!


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